Relieve Your Stress by Being Present in the Moment
When your life is too much to take, whether from business pressure or challenges at home, go visit a friend and be totally present for them. Spend time helping prepare a meal, rebuilding a shed, playing with their children or pets- step into their lives for a day.
I did this when I went out of town to lead a stress management program. A friend of mine kindly let me stay at her home.
Giggling, bouncing 7 and 9 year old girls greeted me along with a very friendly golden retriever and a clever black and white cat. ( This cat can open doors by turning the doorknob!) They wanted to connect with me and I enjoyed meeting and learning more about them. I forgot everything else in my life, came present and just enjoyed the moment. And as I drove off to “Reignite the Fire” of others, I realized I had not thought about my life, my work or anything else but my friend and her family for several hours. Refreshing & revitalizing!
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