What’s In it For Them?

Focus on Customer Needs First and Foremost

All too often, as a CEO, entrepreneur, manager or leader, we are looking at our bottom line, our corporate goals, our sales forecasts. etc. Equally important is to focus on the needs and issues of our customers and clients.  What issues are they facing?  What is happening in their industry?  How can you help them meet their needs- even if it means referring them to someone else for business solutions you can’t provide.

Becoming a resource for your clients, where you focus on what THEY need, makes you an invaluable partner in their success.  It may also mean you develop new products and services to match current demand and it may impact your future strategies in the marketplace.

Bob Burg's books on adding valueAdd value first to others, send them articles on subjects they are interested in, try to solve their problems, even if it means you don’t do business together.  The more helpful you are and the more sincerely interested you are in them, the more they will remember you and refer you to others.

For more information on this concept, read Bob Burg’s great book The Go-Giver.

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