Reduce Your Stress Around Email

stressed out woman from Stress ExpressHow to Cut Down On Email Clutter

The Average employee gets over 12o emails ad day, most CEO’s receive 300+.  Eeks!!  How can you cope with that deluge of email on a daily basis.

Here are a few tips from my friend Dianna Booher, whose new book Faster, Fewer, Better Emails came out this week.

What to do:

  1. Read each email only once and either delete, put into action, reply or send to right person.
  2. Ask coworkers not to cc all.
  3. Don’t prolong responses with personal commentary that is meaningless.  Women often try to build relationships with email; this is not the place.
  4. Acknowledge receipt and respond with a plan: “I will get that report to you after I hear from Tom; you will have it by 3:00pm.”
  5. Bow out after introductions.
  6. Don’t forward jokes, stories, etc. We all have enough distractions.
  7. Unsubscribe to ezines.
  8. Turn off alerts.A tip from me:
  9. Only check email 4-5 times a day.  First thing when you start work, before lunch, after lunch, mind-day and at end of day.  Don’t take it home and don’t read it before bed- it will wreak havoc with your sleep.  You train people how to expect your response.  If you respond immediately, they will always expect it.

You can handle your email in a way that works for you. Try these techniques and let me know if they helped!

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©2019, Snowden McFall, Fired Up! You may reprint if you credit me with content.Follow me on social media @snowdenmcfall