Stressed about Money? Focus on this…

As the new year starts. many of us are looking at holiday bills and worrying about money. Anxiety and stress about money can cause anxiety attacks, sleepless nights and depression.

As the new year starts. many of us are looking at holiday bills and worrying about money.  Anxiety and stress about money can cause anxiety attacks, sleepless nights and depression.

Stressed about Money?So what’s the solution?

Focus on gratitude!
The next time you start feeling poor or experiencing lack, pull out paper and pen or use your cellphone and make a list of everything in your life that you are grateful for.  Include the fact that you have access to clean water, clothing, shelter, food, friends, healthcare, etc.  Those are all luxuries to a large portion of the world.

You will notice that as you do this, your stress abates.  It may even disappear.

There’s a simple reason for this. What you focus on manifests, and when you focus on lack or scarcity, yu create more of that.  But when you focus on abundance and gratitude, you attract in more to be grateful for.

And if you’ve done this exercise several times and are still super-stressed, go volunteer at a soup kitchen, or work with the homeless.  Your perspective will change, I guarantee it.


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©2017, Snowden McFall All Rights Reserved. You may share this post and reprint with author reference and copyright.

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The Abundance Mindset

Are You Living with a Poverty Consciousness?

Glass of water from Stress ExpressHave you ever been around a large family that did not have much money but was filled with joy and love? They feel blessed, and  have a wonderful attitude of gratitude that people with far less money have.  It’s not that they don’t have financial worries like everyone else, it’s where they choose to put their focus. It’s called an Abundance Mindset.

This mindset starts out with gratitude for all the blessings in your life, all the good things.  It focuses on love and joy, and the wealth of the gifts in your life, rather than lack.  In contrast is a poverty consciousness, where no matter how much you have materially, you feel poor or afraid that you will lose it all.  Often those people expect the worst and they get it, because that’s where they put their attention.

What about you?  Where do you put your attention?  Are you aware and thankful for all the many gifts and talents you have, the wonderful people in your life, the shelter, clothing and food you have?  How about the work you do that you get paid for when so many others are out of work?  How can you change the way you look at your life to recognize the wealth that is already present and attract in even more?  It’s all in your mindset.  Choose abundance and gratitude, make that your daily intention and see what manifests in your life.

 ©2011 Snowden McFall All Rights Reserved. No duplication 
or reprinting without permission and author reference

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Your Money or Your Life

You Can’t Enjoy One without the Other

Lots of people have been hurt by the recession, and many people are scrambling to get more money, pay off debt and be financially secure.   I know what that fear and anxiety can be like, because I lived through it. Not long ago, my husband was underemployed and because of the recession, business was down.  We scrambled, took seminars, read books, cut expenses, etc.  I learned a number of things that helped us diversify our income streams and pay off debt. I’m deeply grateful that my husband now has a terrific job and business is good.

But I also learned one of the most important lessons from the death of both of my parents; one over 30 years ago and one a few weeks ago.  Money without health means very little.  There are plenty of wealthy, lonely, critically ill people who would give up every dollar to be fit, healthy, loved and vibrantly alive.

My mother suffered over 15 years before she died. What made her regain her will to live each time was seeing her two children and their love. A lifelong smoker, my dad had been ill for a few years. His lack of good health kept him homebound, when he had planned to travel. Sadly, he died just before Christmas. Their examples taught me to cherish my health, to be proactive and physically active, to take lots of vitamins and eat right.

Your health is critically important to your enjoying your life.  So while you’re making money, take excellent care of your body. It’s easy to let take over your life. But what good is money if you can’t enjoy it?  Your family values you – the human being, not the moneymaker. The key is balance: stay fit and healthy so that you can enjoy the benefits of your hard work and be with loved ones.


 ©2011 Snowden McFall All Rights Reserved. No duplication 
or reprinting without permission and author reference

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