PR Can Fire Up Your Marketing!

PR is a Great Free Way To Increase Visibility

PR can be a terrific way to build visibility and credibility for your business. Many publications are looking for good articles and real news, so make it easy for them. When you send in press releases, be sure to write them strictly as facts, no advertising.

Include the 5 W’s: the who, what, why, where, when, in the first two-three sentences. Always provide contact information and put a quick summary about the business in the last paragraph. Have an interesting headline or grabber. And if you have news that is worthy of a more in-depth article, make it easy for the reporter. Have a great hook. Tie it into national news or something timely. Keep your bullet points succinct and always be gracious with reporters.

Stress Express featured in Success MagazineBe sure to write the reporter a thank you email or note after the article is published. If you get enough articles out there, you could become a source to reporters. Two national media outlets  featured me as an expert on burnout: Investors Business Daily and Fox The best part? They found me on the Internet and contacted me about their articles! Success Magazine did a story on my new book Stress Express! 15 Instant Stress Relievers. The same thing can happen for you.

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