The 1 Key to Great Presentations

Do This and You Cannot Fail

AYP4LRSo many people ask me as a professional speaker how to overcome nervousness and anxiety about public speaking.

And the answer is really simple: PREPARATION.  The more you prepare in 4 ways, the more likely you will be confident, relaxes and effective in your speaking.

#1 Prepare your material
Know what you are going to say inside and out.  Research it, cite  sources, know your facts, and most of all, have great stories. People love stories and they remember them.

#2 Prepare your audience.  Get to know them in advance.  What are they worried about?  How you can help them with your material?  What are their victories and can you share about them?  Can you make them heroes? Ask questions, get their participation, enroll them in using social media, if appropriate, with hashtags, etc.

# 3 Prepare your space.  Know where you will be presenting and if possible, control the room set.  Make it easy for everyone to see you, and if you use AV, make sure it works. I don’t encourage people to use Powerpoint® because it can be so boring.  Instead, give action worksheets and get your audience involved with your speech.

#4 Prepare yourself. Practice what you are going to say in front of friends and get their feedback.  Don’t memorize- it’s fine to have notes.  Tell stories and demonstrate a sense of humor. Have lines ready for when you flub up.  Your ability to laugh at yourself shows confidence and relaxes the audience.  They want you to succeed. Pick professional clothes that show off your best features.  Be polished and ready.  Smile and be yourself.

Now go fire them up!


For more information about how to present , check out my latest new audio CD and mp3.

Fire Up! Your Presentation Skills!
(especially helpful for Introverts)

HAPPINESS CD1 artMost everyone gets nervous when they have to give a presentation. In this comprehensive audio, you’ll learn:

• how to overcome fear, no matter who you have to speak to
• the most important things to know as you prepare
• the best tools to relax while you are speaking
• how to harness the power of body language
• the winning formula for a good speech
• how even introverts can become excellent speakers

Only  $20.00 mp3



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What to Write About In Social Media

Educate, Entertain, Add Value

People just starting in social media often ask me what they should post. Write about your expertise, what you know well and the latest trends in those areas. Share quotes, statistics, and stories. Always add value and be a source of information and help to those following you. Be a positive force.  Share personally and vulnerably a bit, but don’t use social media as a sounding board when you’re upset.  And don’t make trivial posts about what you ate for breakfast… unless it’s really interesting or you have a great recipe or restaurant to share.  Realize that any posts on social media or the Internet may be out there forever, so never badmouth others, or put photos up on Facebook® that would embarrass you later.  More employers are searching social media to learn about what their people do off-line.  Be smart.  Use the guideline of “How does this help, inform, educate or entertain others?” And be careful about the entertainment part!

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©2012 Snowden McFall All Rights Reserved.  No duplication or reprinting without permission and author reference

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Smart Networking: Focus on Them

Endless Referrals by Bob BurgAsk Questions About Their Work & Interests

When you meet someone at a networking function, the temptation is to share all your latest new products and services. That’s the wrong move. What’s much more effective is to ask a series of questions that get them talking about themselves, such as:

1. How did you get into that line of work?

2. What do you like best about it?

3. What changes have you seen in your industry?

4. Please describe your ideal client…

5. What advice would you give to someone entering this field?

6. What do you see as upcoming trends in your industry?

These questions are suggested by my friend, author Bob Burg in his book Endless Referrals.  If you spend your focus on the other person, learning as much as you can about them, referring them to others, introducing them to others, you are adding value first, and becoming much more memorable than any other people “selling” at those events.

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©2012 Snowden McFall All Rights Reserved.  No duplication or reprinting without permission and author reference

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Keeping Your Agreements

Make or Break Relationships in Business & at Home

Every notice there are some people you can count on absolutely to keep their word?  If they say they will do something for you, they do it.  If they can’t, they call and tell you why. If you have a meeting with them, they are there, on time, ready with what they promised.  It’s wonderful to do business with them, isn’t it?

And sadly, all too rare.  It’s become commonplace for people to not keep their promises.
Whether large financial institutions, investment firms, or your local telephone service, keeping promises has become a lost art. And that’s a mistake.

Whenever you make a commitment to someone saying you will do something by a certain time, you are making an agreement.  If you don’t keep it, it says volumes about your integrity and reliability.  It means you are not credible.

If you find you cannot honor a commitment, renegotiate it.  Reschedule the meeting, change the date, or explain why you cannot keep your commitment.  People will value you much more when you are a person of your word.  They will know they can trust you, that you are reliable.  And people do business with those they like and trust.

What is Your Legacy?

You Never Know What Will Happen

Me and Cinderella

I was out of the country this past week on vacation and returned home to two sad events. Cinderella Hubbard,  (yes that was her real name) the woman who raised me, has passed away at age 93 after battling dementia.  She was an amazing person who made a huge difference in my life.  Cindy’s goodness, loving, wisdom and values shaped my life in so many ways and I will never forget her. For a little girl with a dying mother, she provided the solid rock of love, faith and strength that I needed so much.  She touched so many lives, especially at her church, where she was the oldest living member and the kindest.  They called her ‘Aunt Cindy’.
More shocking was the sudden and tragic death of Denai Vaughn, a newer friend and fellow speaker.  Killed in a car accident at the age of 37, Denai left behind a doting husband and young daughter, and a legion of fans.

Debbie, Snowden and Denai Oct 7,2011

Denai and I had one of those instant heart connections. We had a great deal in common, including a passion for making a difference.  Her exuberant, joyful personality and friendly open approach drew people in.  There’s no surprise she was the Networking Queen.

Both of these women touched so many lives by the essence of who they were. They were kind and caring, filled with the joy of life, and shared themselves generously, leaving a legacy of love and gratitude for all who knew them.

What is your legacy?  How do you want to be remembered? What will people think of after you have gone? Give some thought to what you are leaving behind and what you want to be known for. You never know when your time is up, so be grateful for every moment.  I know I am grateful to have known these two extraordinary women. They blessed my life.  How will you bless others?


To sign up for Snowden’s ezine newsletter on stress, happiness, marketing and motivation, go to:

 ©2011 Snowden McFall All Rights Reserved. No duplication 
or reprinting without permission and author reference.

Fire Up Your Networking with the Two Pocket Rule

 This Simple Trick Helps Organize Your Contacts

As I have been getting to know the Jacksonville, FL, community, I have attended hundreds of networking events, and this community takes its networking seriously. At most events, people pass around their business cards, and often exchange cards while socializing or nibbling on appetizers.

That’s where the two pocket rule comes in. Wear a blazer or jacket that has at least two pockets. Stuff the right pocket with your business cards. Fill the left pocket with business cards of people you meet. That way, the two are easily sorted when you get back to the office.

Also be sure to write notes on the back of a card after you have met someone, especially if you learned pertinent personal information, such as their hobbies, family members, or upcoming events. That will give you great information to reference when you next contact them.

When you get back to your office, take the cards out and sort.  Use either an electronic business card scanner or plastic card sheets and notebooks.  Anyone you promised to share something with or send something to, do that and make notes of it on the card or contact sheet.  If they are a serious prospect, put them in your contact/ database management system.

Next- think about how you can add value to their lives.  What article, information, contact person or problem can you solve for them?  Who can you connect them to that will help them.  Don’t try to sell yourself- simply add value.

And never forget that handwritten notes have a huge impact because they are so rare in today’s world.


To sign up for Snowden’s ezine newsletter on stress, happiness, marketing and motivation, go to:

 ©2011 Snowden McFall All Rights Reserved. No duplication 
or reprinting without permission and author reference.