One of the interesting things about success is that many people don’t feel they are worthy of it. In fact, they judge themselves harshly for past mistakes and use that as a reason to feel like a fraud when they achieve key goals or levels of success. Sometimes they end up sabotaging themselves and limiting their growth, all subconsciously. One of the keys to overcoming the fraud syndrome is authenticity.
Be Authentically Yourself
Watching the tv show “The Glee Project,“ what struck me most was how the producer and casting agent wanted these talented young people to be just BE THEMSELVES. All too often, people feel they have to fit into some mold to succeed. We think we have to achieve a certain degree, look a particular way, dress in special clothes to be accepted and loved.
And the truth is the opposite. When you are truly yourself, you are your most loveable and approachable. As people age, they tend to relax more and more, caring less about what others think of them. That is incredibly liberating. As Emerson wrote, “To thine own self, be true.” Live life according to your values and principles, be the wonderful, unique and gifted person that you are and share the best of yourself with others. The world will be a poorer place if you don’t.
@2011 Snowden McFall. All Rights Reserved. No duplication without permission