Leaders and Sacrifice

“Leadership is about inspiration-of oneself and of others. Great leadership is about human experiences, not processes. Leadership…is a human activity that comes from the heart and considers the hearts of others.”-
Lance Secretan

Simon Sinel bookIn his new book Leaders Eat Last, Simon Sinek says leaders must sacrifice for their people. They must be willing to put the needs of others before their own needs. It’s a choice: to look after the person on either side of us.

What Leaders Must Sacrifice:

• Micromanaging
Hire good people, trust your people, and check progress when appropriate. Having authority over their work is a key indicator for employee happiness. Give it to them and praise them when they’ve done well. Demonstrate your confidence in them.

• Self-Interest and Ego

Get in the trenches and work with your people at all levels. I read a story about a CEO who had succcessfully grown the business, and while it was doing well, sales had plateaued. He was advised to go down on the factory floor every week and spend time with his people, getting to know them. In six months, his profits took off because his people knew that he cared. They delivered better, faster service and higher quality. People respond when you know you care about them.

• Saving Face at the Expense of Your People
If you don’t back your people up when they are in crisis or conflict with vendors, clients, etc., then you send a very clear message of fear and mistrust. When you say you will support your people in difficult times and then fail to, your employees feel betrayed and abandoned. They will resent you and become cynical and fearful. None of that leads to high performance.

• Looking Good to Stockholders
At Next Jump in NY, CEO Charlie Kim spends significant money developing people- on training programs and mentoring- much to the chagrin of his investors. However, the results proved themselves and delighted stockholders. Many firms in this industry have double digit turnover rates, which can cost millions to replace. (Industry averages 150% of a person’s salary to replace them.) Because of the investment Charlie makes in his people, turnover is low single digit, and the quality of innovation, problem-solving capability, loyalty and engagement at the company have soared.

Keep expanding your capability as a leader! You will inspire others.



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No More Excuses

Overwhelmed man with too much work from Stress ExpressNot long ago, I met a gentleman who was downtrodden and beleaguered. He explained to me all the reasons his business was not doing well and declared that he was just no good at that Internet stuff.  He also went on to say he had avoided a certain market because he was afraid what they might do.  He had all the perfect excuses for why he couldn’t succeed. I felt sorry for him and had compassion for him.  But ultimately, he made his own choices and he is now sitting in his discontent.

Excuses– we all make them and we all have them.  And ultimately, they mean nothing. NOTHING.  They are just rationalizations as to why we think we can’t do something.

In this man’s case, he could have taken courses to learn the Internet,  hired a college kid to do it for him, or used his own kids.  There are so many different ways he could overcome his fear of the Internet but instead, he just gave up.

Don’t give up.  And NO MORE EXCUSES!

You can overcome almost any challenge.  Ask for help. Take courses. Check and see if your assumptions are true.  Network with others in your field and learn how they handle these issues.  Just don’t sit around whining. Take action to overcome these challenges.

I once heard Christopher Reeves speak  after his debilitating accident.  He talked about control and how he had lost so much of it when he became paralyzed.  But then he realized the one area he could take control was how he treated his caregivers.

If someone like that can take control, take action and move forward, you can, too.


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The Worst Boss You Ever Had


Could Teach You A Few Things

Over 30 years ago, I had a boss who regularly came in and yelled at the staff.  For no reason.  He just vented his anger at the world onto his staff.  And yet he was brilliant, creative,  andvery effective at sales.  But he was not so good at managing and retaining employees.  No matter how terrific the rest of the job is, if you’re being screamed at for no reason, that verbal abuse will drive you away. Few people can tolerate constant demeaning.
Here’s what I learned from him:
• NEVER be a yeller.  That doesn’t mean that there aren’t days when you’re stressed and frustrated, but don’t take it out on the people you work with.  If you’re that upset, go for a walk, go workout, get in your car with the windows up and yell there.  Just not at people.  Ever.  Really. It’s abusive.
• Positive specific praise and reinforcement goes a long way. Most people like public recognition and like being told specifically what they did well.  If you really want to thank someone, give them a written note as well; these are rare and amazingly effective. Sticky notes work, too.

• Financial reward only works so far
.  Continual humiliation, denigration, verbal abuse and difficult work environment will drive out even the most dedicated achievers away.  If you want to retain good people, treat them well.
Find out what is important to them and reward accordingly.

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Are Entrepreneurs Optimists?

busman victoryLRLoving What You Do Makes
All the Difference

A new report from Gallup shows that
entrepreneurs are more optimistic
about the future than regular workers.
They also have somewhat more stress and
worry than non self-employed people.
But unquestionably , their optimism
wins out.  30% of those inthe study
imagine they will enjoy “their best
possible life” in 5 years.
Only 25% of workers felt that way.

Part of the reason for entrepreneurial optimism and positive expectancy is that they
love what they do. Going to work every day to do some.thing they are excited about
makes all the difference. Also entrepreneurs are constantly learning and growing,
key components for happiness.

Optimists also sell 56% more than pessimists and live 7 years longer, according to
a Yale University study.

Isn’t time you started thinking more positively? Optimism is a 75% learned trait, so
in every situation, start looking at the bright side.  What can you learn from the situation? What good connections, contacts, opportunities arose?


For a free report on how to get and stay Fired Up!, go here https://firedupnow.com/top20tips/

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©2013 Snowden McFall All Rights Reserved. You may share this post and reprint with author reference and copyright.

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What If You Knew You Could Not Fail?

What Would You Do?

joy jump from Snowden McFall's happiness classToo often in our world, we limit ourselves, we stop ourselves from going for our dreams. But daydreaming about success and big dreams is powerful- it’s how some of our greatest inventions came about, and how software we use everyday was created.

As yourself this question: What would I do if I knew I could not fail? Really seriously consider it and allow yourself to visualize all the things you would do. Maybe you would start a foundation to help children, maybe you would create the next cure for cancer, maybe you would develop a new strategy for world peace.  You will never know until you try.


Be aware that these things can limit your thinking:

• our own negative beliefs: I can’t because (I don’t have a degree,  I don’t have enough money, etc etc.- all myths)
• our circle of friends is too small and too negative- whiners and complainers
• quitting on ourselves because we have made mistakes int he past

All truly successful people have failed, and failed often.  That’s why they succeed.
They learn from each failure and translate it into an opportunity.  They never
give up and neither should you.

Did you know?

Sandra Day O’Connor could not get a job as a lawyer when she graduated from law school in 1952. Instead, she chose to enter public service, and served as county deputy attorney before opening her own law firm.  In 1981 she became the first woman Justice of the United States Supreme Court.

When Henry Ford wanted to create the V-8 engine, he was told repeatedly that it was impossible. He sent his staff back to work and told them to stay on the job until they did what he asked. After a year, there was no success. He told them to keep at it. He knew persistence would pay off. Eventually they did it and the V-8 became a huge success. It helped Ford and his motor company outstrip the competition and take the lead in the automotive market. He refused to believe “It’s impossible.”

It’s now your turn.  Spend some time dreaming and visualizing what you would do.  You could make a huge difference in the world!


For a free report on how to get and stay Fired Up!, go here https://firedupnow.com/top20tips/

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©2013 Snowden McFall All Rights Reserved. You may share this post and reprint with author reference and copyright.

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Unlimited Choice is NOT a Good Thing…For Your Business

Have you ever been to a restaurant with a huge menu?  I have and it just frustrates me because there is too much to focus on.

SwitchcoverMost of us think that “more” is always better.  But recent research indicates that is not the case. In the book Switch by Chip and Dan Heath, authors of Made to Stick, cite several researchers demonstrating that too much choice paralyzes buyers.

Too many choices overwhelm   Iyengar and Lepper share several studies where too much choice is “demotivating.” A gourmet store featured a line of exotic, high quality jams.  Customers tasted samples and received a discount coupon to buy a jar.  6 varieties were used on one trial; another featured 24 varieties. 30% of people in the 6 choice trial bought the jam; only 3% of people with 24 varieties bought the jam.

What does this mean for you and your business ?

• Limit the options  If you have a variety of services or products, cut down on the choices. Make them no more than 6, if possible.  Make it easy for buyers, patients and customers to decide.

Be crystal clear about the value they will receive.  Differentiate between each option so they can choose what it exactly correct for them.

The old KISS method applies here.  Keep it simple & straightforward.

To sign up for Snowden’s ezine newsletter on stress, happiness, marketing and motivation, go to: https://firedupnow.com/firedupemailregister.html

©2013 Snowden McFall All Rights Reserved. No duplication or reprinting without permission and author reference

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You CAN Achieve those Resolutions

It’s almost the end of January and  many people are faltering on their resolutions.  And they’re not alone.  Usually, 75% of resolutions don’t make it.

But YOU CAN SUCCEED at your goals.  Here are two keys from legends Brian Tracy and Darren Hardy of Success Magazine, sprinkled with my experience over the past 30 years.

1. Get crystal clear about what you want.  Imagine it’s Jan 25, 2014 and this past year was the best year of your life.  What happened to make it that way?  Who was in your life?  What did you do?  So now what goals emerge from this that will help you get there?

2. Clarify, chunk and write down your goals.   Now you know what the big picture is, clarify it by writing it down.  That action alone is very powerful. For many people, weight loss and fitness are goals.  Perhaps Bob saw himself 75 pounds lighter.  That’s a huge goal. Reduce the goal to 50% likelihood – 33 pounds in 12 months that he keeps off.

 Now chunk that into smaller steps.

I am a fit and healthy 185 pounds on Jan 25, 2013.

chunk goals for Feb 2013

– walk at least 4 times a week

– cut back on carbs

– stop eating at 8 pm

As Bob is successful at each of the small chunk goals, he can then move on to the next ones.The key is to create a pattern of success.  It’s a cinch by the inch and a trial by the mile.

To sign up for Snowden’s ezine newsletter on stress, happiness, marketing and motivation, go to: https://firedupnow.com/firedupemailregister.html

©2013 Snowden McFall All Rights Reserved. No duplication or reprinting without permission and author reference

Learning Keeps You Fresh as an Entrepreneur

If you are an entrepreneur, it’s vitally important that you continue to learn how to improve your business and make connections. How many educational events have you attended this year?  Whether in person, or on the internet, taking the time to attend seminars and conferences can be so powerful. And if you are a mom or a solopreneur, it is crucial that you reach out and connect with others.  Don’t isolate yourself.

It’s my honor to be speaking at this great event for women in Phoenix, Arizona on July11, and you can attend by SIMULCAST around the world on the Internet.  I’m really excited because this is the first time I have ever been simulcast globally! If you want to see, you can simply turn on your computer and watch live! Or since it is being recorded, watch whenever it is convenient for you.
You can watch one session or the whole day, as we share the secrets to living your dreams, clearing your blocks to being wealthy, and monetizing your passion.
Here’s a sneak peak at what you will learn:
• How to own your worth through clarity and aligning with your dreams
• How to clarify what you truly want and don’t want in your life
• How to think in the most powerful way possible 
• The ONE thing you must do to get unstuck and become unstoppable!
• The 3 myths that keep you stuck and how to overcome them
• The biggest mistake people make when setting goals and intentions
• How to get out of your own way to create more money
• How to embrace the one thing that will allow you to have “it all” without struggle, or overwhelm

©2012 Snowden McFall All Rights Reserved.  No duplication or reprinting without permission and author reference


Think Like an Entrepreneur- Whether You Are One or Not

Use Entrepreneurial Thinking to Excel at Your Job

Cheering womenMany of my speaking / consulting clients are corporations, medical associations and non-profits.  Sometimes the employees feel a sense of powerlessness with all the red tape and bureaucracy.  According to the book Drive, humans have an essential need for autonomy, control over their work and their destinies.  A great way to gain control in your job is to assume authority over a problem and come up with a new solution. Creatively brainstorm and solve it as if it were your own business.  Then go to your superior with a clearly mapped out plan of action in writing. Most managers will applaud your ingenuity and initiative, and you will feel better, with more control over your work. Plus you may have remedied an expensive and stressful problem.

©2012 Snowden McFall All Rights Reserved.  No duplication or reprinting without permission and author reference