What Do You Do For Fun?
One of the best ways to learn about your dreams is to consider what you love doing. It’s amazing the kind of information you can discover about yourself when you take a few minutes to list your favorite activities and how often you do them . If you want to have some fun and learn more about yourself, take ten minutes now to do complete the list called “My Favorite Activities.”
Make a list from 1-5 . On the left put down your favorite activities and on the right put down how long it’s been since you did it, the cost of it.
1. go to beach yesterday free
2. comedy club 2 months $20
3. girlfriend time 2 weeks free
Most people discover that what they love to do is free, and can be scheduled at the last minute. Good to know, hum?
People who are the happiest and most at peace in their lives regularly schedule what they enjoy doing. They spend more of their time being “Fired Up!” and that joy shines through all areas of their lives. They have acknowledged their goals and dreams and are doing whatever it takes to accomplish them.
©2012 Snowden McFall All Rights Reserved. No duplication or reprinting without permission and author reference