Manage Your Email Time and Reduce Stress
I’ve heard so many professionals tell me in my speeches that they get hooked by their email and get stressed out. Some even have an alarm that rings or chimes every time a new email comes in. Turn that OFF! No wonder your stress levels are skyrocketing through the roof!
Here are some simple ways to destress your email.
1. Remember Snail Mail? You know, you go to your mailbox, pull out the letters, flyers and junk mail and trash about half of it before you even get home? Do that with email. Organize it into folders: important action, read later, associations,etc. and trash the rest.
2. Only check email 3-4 times a day– Do your HIGHEST PRIORITY money making tasks first always every day. Then check email at lunch, when you take breaks. No alarms or flashes when you get a new one. It’s probably spam anyway.
3. Use a SPAM FILTER. One of my many email addresses (yes I get hundreds of emails every day) has no spam filter. And now in addition to the Viagra ads, I get Asian character emails which I cannot read. I keep that email only because I want to make it easy for people to reach me, but I have spam filters on all the others.
4. Have No -Email times every day. Sunday, my husband and I went to the beach. Ahh- glorious sunshine, surf, quiet and peace. No email. None- just focused time on my family. Take time like that everyday. Don’t make your children resent your phone. It can wait.
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4. Have email-free times everyday. We were at the beach on Sunday, and even though I have a smartphone, I did not read my email at all until late in the day. It was wonderful to have that freedom. It lowers your stress and frees you to appreciate the people around you.