2 Ways to Increase Your Influence

Burchard bookYou Can Have Greater Influence on Others

Brendon Burchard, in his excellent new book, High Performance Habits, shares some excellent tips on how to increase your influence.

  1. Teach people how to think. When you are working with others, whether in a team, on a committee, or your employees, ask compelling questions which make others think.  Some might include:
    “What do you think about…?”
    “What would happen if we tried…?”
    “How should we approach?”
    “What ideas do you have about..?”
    Get others thinking and contributing. Listen to their feedback and don’t shut them down. You influence them by thanking them and considering what they have said.  Do this more and more often at every meeting.  Let them know you expect new ideas and creative thinking from them.

2.  Challenge others to grow. Let them know you hold them to a higher standard.  Whether it’s your employees, family members or friends, ask them what their next steps are, how they can get better at what they’re doing, how they can treat others better, how they can improve.  Let them know you believe in them and that their excellence inspires them.

You have an impact on others.  You have the opportunity to influence others more than you know  By encouraging their thinking, their growth and their ideas, you influence and empower others.

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Fire Up! Your Business Standards

You Do Have the Power to Stop Negative Behavior

No matter what kind of professional you are, CEO, executive, business owner, doctor, lawyer, manager, you have the right and indeed, the responsibility, to set standards for your workplace.  Many fields have set standards already, from healthcare to law.  However you can go further.  You can set standards of excellence in work, but also standards in behavior and performance.

I was recently told, when discussing negative behavior of a high level professional, that “That’s just how they are.”  I simply don’t accept that.

Screaming man who is very stressed outNo matter what level you’re at, you are subject to behavioral standards and employment law experts agree.  It’s very easy to build an “attitude, behavior and professional conduct” clause right into your policy manual and your employment contracts.  It needs to be specific and clear about what is acceptable and flexible enough to help you achieve your results.  It is not acceptable for anyone at any level to come in regularly in a bad mood, yell at the rest of the staff, complain and whine and make everyone else’s day miserable.  That is unprofessional conduct and should not be tolerated.

Set the standards, put it in writing with your employment attorney, inform everyone,  and refuse to settle for anything less.  Good employees will be grateful and bad employees will leave- which is best for everyone.



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